Generate a quick invoice
Generate a quick invoice

Add Your Payment Termsīriefly explain your payment terms on each invoice. From there, you can edit your services with basic customization options to differentiate the services rendered. Include as many rows in the table as you need to list each specific service.

  • The number of hours worked or the quantity.
  • Each of the following pieces of information should go in a separate column: It’s easiest to start by creating a basic table with four columns. List Your ServicesĪ simple invoice should outline all the services you provided to the client. The first invoice you send can be Invoice #001, then Invoice #002, and so on from there. The simplest method of assigning invoice numbers is to just number them sequentially. They’re also helpful when you need to discuss a specific invoice with a client. Invoice numbers make it easier to track your invoices for bookkeeping purposes. Establish a Simple Invoice Numbering SystemĮvery invoice you send will need to have a unique invoice number assigned to it. This will make it easier to file the invoices correctly, both for you and for your clients. Add the Invoice DateĮvery invoice you create should list the invoicing date. If this is the case, make sure to include the correct customer details to guarantee that there won’t be any hold-ups to the payment process.

    generate a quick invoice

    In some cases, the company name won’t be enough, and you’ll have to address it to a specific customer name to ensure it goes to the right person. To make sure that you have the most up-to-date client information, you can check beforehand to see to whom you should address the invoice. Then, do the same with your client’s contact information, listing the billing contact name, address, phone number and email address. Remember to double check your business information before sending, to ensure that all of your details are correct. It’s important to include your business contact number so that they can reach you if any issues arise. Add your logo if you have one and then include your name, address, phone number and email address. Start with your company’s contact details. The first step in creating a simple invoice is to list all the necessary contact information. Create your own simple invoice by following these easy steps: Include Contact Information To make a simple invoice, small businesses should create a streamlined document that contains just the basic information needed to bill clients. With the right information in your hands, you will be able to present your clients with professional, expertly formatted invoices that will earn their respect.


    To get started on your journey to easier invoicing, you’ll first need to know the basics of how to create an invoice. These topics will show you how to make a simple invoice so you can get paid for your services:Ĭan an Invoice Be a Receipt? How to Make a Simple Invoice Small business owners have too much on their hands and too much at stake to waste time on convoluted invoicing software, so start learning how to create invoices accurately and start getting paid the way you deserve. This is why we’ve created a step-by-step guide to help you create your own invoice.

    generate a quick invoice

    They’re streamlined documents that are easy to create and easy to understand.Īt FreshBooks, we’re committed to helping people get paid the right way, every time. Simple invoices save you time because they include just the basic accounting details you need to charge clients for your work. If you’ve just launched a new small business and you’re confused about how to start billing your clients, learning how to make a simple invoice can help you get paid for your work.

    Generate a quick invoice